
Classic: Spagbol


Spagetti bolognese must be one of the most common meals in the Western world. It is definitely a staple in this house.

A favourite among the boys. I make it lean, with whole grain pasta. And I hide in some ekstra veg. But when I say hide, I mean add flavour. I've managed to convince Big Brother that onion and green herbs in his food makes it taste better. He accepts this argument. Still.

This recipe goes on to being lasagna, but then I usually double it for the leftovers sake.

For a family of four:


400-600 grams lean ground beef (5% fat)
A couple of carrots depending on size
1 onion
3 cloves of garlic
A handful of whatever herbs you have in the garden. I used flatleaf parsley, oregano, basil and thyme.
2 tins of tomatos
1 cube of boullion (organic without MSG)

Brown off the mince. I just put it in a dry pan. Once brown, add finely chopped onion, and grated carrot. While you have the grater out just grate those garlic cloves on the fine side. I add a little freshly ground pepper too at this stage.


While the beef and veg hang out, go on your steps (or wherever else you keep your fresh herbs) and just decide on using a mix of all your herbs. Add the herbs and buillion to the mix. Stir around and open the two tins of tomato.


I make a well in the center of my sautee pan and pour in the tomatos. Then I mash them with my potato masher. I don't like big bits of tomato in my spagbol.

Mix it in and add a huge dollop of ketchup, a little squeeze of chilli sauce (I use the kind with the green top from all Asian supermarkets). Add sugar to taste to round it all off. This combo really makes everything come together and not just taste of watery tomatos.


Serve with your favourite pasta. I like whole grain. Heating up your home made babyfood in with the pasta is optional.

Babyfood and Pasta


  1. Yummo.
    We eat ours with atchar. Weird but yummy!

  2. I had to look that up ;-) Never had it, but it sounds yummy!


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